A New York Forgery Lawyer can explain that in the State of New York, the crime of Forgery is defined in New York Penal Law 170. There are four degrees of Forgery. Forgery in the fourth degree is classified as an A misdemeanor. The most serious charge is Forgery in the first degree, which is a C felony. Examples of this crime would include fraudulent completing credit card applications, forging checks, deeds and other important documents. If you have been charged with Forgery or other White Collar Crime, such as Bribery, computer fraud, credit card fraud, Mail Fraud, Grand Larceny or embezzlement, speak with a New York Criminal Lawyer from our team without delay. The penalties you could be facing are serious, and can include prison time, monetary fines and probation.
The crime of Forgery includes the person who created the forged document, but also anyone who knowingly possesses a forged document. In this instance, both parties can be charged with the crime. Examples of this would include, creating false identification, or altering a driver’s license. Teenagers should take note that altering an I.D. card to gain access into a bar can result in your arrest, and felony charge. Interestingly, a New York Forgery Lawyer often sees individuals charged with a felony for altering a handicapped parking permit.
The crime of Forgery can also include altering vehicle identification numbers, as well as possession of these numbers. The District Attorney places these crimes as a high priority. Organized crime will often work through illegal chop shops that will steal vehicles and resell them as parts. The District Attorney knows that this activity funds organized crime. In New York, “gypsy cabs” will also double up and use a duplicate vehicle I.D. number to avoid paying insurance and going through a vehicle inspection.
At the Law Office of Barry C. Weiss P.C., we can offer a wide range of experience in working with Forgery cases, including possession of a forged instrument, illegal of possession of a vehicle identification number, criminal possession of an anti-security device, and unlawfully using slugs. Come in today and discuss your matter with one of our New York Forgery Lawyers for guidance. We will provide you with a free consultation. We handle criminal matters in New York City, in all 5 boroughs; Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island. We also appear in courts in Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island and Westchester County. Call us today for an appointment at 212.785.1300 today.