Bronx White Collar Crimes
Have you or someone you know become the subject of a white collar crime investigation? If so, you could be facing charges in the near future and only a lawyer can help you protect you if that happens. The right attorney is a critical asset as you move forward defending yourself against the negative consequences and life changes tied to a conviction.
An experienced New York white collar criminal defense attorney will represent clients throughout the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and elsewhere in Suffolk and Nassau County. Being accused of a white-collar crime should not lead you to believe that there are no serious consequences. In fact, many people are shocked by the severe and life changing consequences associated with a white-collar crime.
Whether you are Wall Street financier, an accountant, a hedge funder, a contractor, a financial officer or someone else, prosecutors still pursue white collar crimes aggressively. Numerous statutes under New York's penal law outline potential consequences differently, depending on the type of crime involved. However, in all cases, law enforcement does not hesitate to identify or even prosecute offenders, when the allegations involve no direct financial loss or theft. In addition, they will pursue cases aggressively when there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential fraud monies associated with the crime. While white collar offenses are not violent crimes, they can be equally severe in terms of the consequences.
Defining White Collar CrimesSome of the most common types of white collar crimes which accused individuals face throughout New York include:
- Bribery
- Extortion
- Forgery
- Embezzlement
- Grand larceny
- Insurance fraud
- Medicaid and Medicare fraud
- Enterprise corruption
- Petty larceny
- Criminal possession of a forged instrument
- Falsifying business records
- Extortion
- Identity theft
- Criminal tax fraud
- Gambling crimes
- Promoting gambling
- Insurance fraud
- Money laundering
- Mortgage fraud
- Official misconduct
- Coercion or scheme to defraud
While some white-collar offenses do not come with a mandatory minimum jail sentence, a lack of a clear requirement for incarceration does not mean that a judge won't exercise his or her discretion when it comes to putting you behind bars. In some cases, the district attorney may be pursing these cases aggressively and may request incarceration as part of your potential punishment. Furthermore, some crimes under the umbrella of white collar, may be classified as felonies and can lead to significant fines as well as time behind bars.
Looking for the right Bronx criminal defense attorney who can assist you with a white-collar crime allegation is crucial for your case. When your freedom is at stake, it pays to be able to reach out to someone who understands the landscape for white collar crimes and who will work hard in your defense. It is crucial to identify a proper disposition immediately. These kinds of white collar cases often progress without the accused individual taking the necessary affirmative steps to deal with the case. This can lead the prosecution to pursue your case even more aggressively.
You may have a legitimate defense that should be presented to law enforcement but you are not familiar with the right way to do this. Consulting with your Bronx white collar criminal defense attorney can help you identify the most appropriate way to present your concerns. Waiting too long to present this information or failing to do it through the proper channels could impact your ability to obtain a deal, dismissal or disposition in the future. Having someone who is prepared to advocate for you in your time of need is a crucial element to look for when identifying a New York white collar crime defense attorney.
Whether it’s a fraud scheme, a money laundering investigation, an identity theft crime or allegations of Medicare and Medicaid fraud, your reputation as well as your freedom is on the line. The right attorney can sit down with you to walk through all of the facts of your case, as well as determine whether or not the authorities overstepped the bounds in any way in arresting you or gathering evidence. These may seem like small issues at the time, however, they can have a major impact on the ability of the prosecution to put you behind bars or obtain a conviction in your case at all.